Corporate Whistleblower Center Urges a Nursing Home-Long Term Care Manager-RN with Proof of Severe Short Staffing to Call About Rewards—If Your Facility Got A PPP Loan-The Rewards May Increase if They Did

WASHINGTON, April 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, “We have by far the most aggressive initiative in the nation focused in on nursing homes-long term care facilities that are constantly so short staffed the facility cannot properly maintain their patients. The result of this is in many instances patients prematurely die-and the taxpayer gets left picking up the tab-because the long-term care facility billed Medicare-Medicaid as if they were fully staffed. The whistleblower rewards for this type of information might exceed $100,000 as we would be happy to discuss at 866-714-6466 to a long-term care manager or RN if they possess this type of information.”

“Our target states include California, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Oregon, New Mexico, Georgia, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan.” https://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

The Corporate Whistleblower Center is also very interested in hearing from a long-term care facility manager-RNs who were working at an extremely short-staffed healthcare facility in 2020-2021 during COVID that was a recipient of an SBA PPP (freebie loan) if in fact the owners-operators did-and they did not spend a good portion of the money on employee staff retention. If the loan was not ‘necessary’ or a significant portion of the ‘loan’ was not spent on staff retention it might be a big problem.

PPP loan fraud might cause the whistleblower reward to increase significantly for a long-term care facility whistleblower, as the group is happy to discuss at 866-714-6466. The group has the database of all long-term care facilities in the USA that received a COVID PPP loan in 2020-2021.

According to the group, “We have been going after long term healthcare facilities that are extremely short staffed for years. When we were able to access the database of nursing homes-long term care facilities that received PPP forgivable loans we were absolutely horrified. Many of the nation’s worst nursing homes-long term care facilities received hundreds of thousands or a million dollars from the SBA and our best guess is in many instances the owners-operators of the long-term care facility-facilities pocketed the money. Not one penny went to staff retention.

“If you are a current manager or RN who works at a nursing home-long term care facility that is short staffed-you are required to code for patient medical tasks-procedures that never occurred we would like to talk to you about potential significant rewards for your information.

“The cherry on the cake for us will be-aside from the short staffing did the long-term care facility also receive a PPP loan? If the answer is yes on the short staffing and you do not know about the PPP loan-give us a call at 866-714-6466-we will know. Like we said–the whistleblower rewards might be significant. All inquiries are strictly confidential.” https://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

Michael Thomas

SOURCE Corporate Whistleblower Center