Law on Call Will Launch the First Nonlawyer-Owned US Law Firm

SALT LAKE CITY, March 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — This month Northwest Registered Agent will launch Law on Call, the first entirely nonlawyer-owned law firm in the United States. Licensed in Utah, Law on Call will increase Utahns’ access to justice by offering legal services at traditionally impossible speeds and prices. Clients will pay only $9 a month to receive unlimited phone access to licensed lawyers who can offer legal advice. Legal work, if needed, will be available starting at just $100 an hour—no retainer necessary. With Law on Call, clients will receive a high-level product for a fraction of the traditional cost, in a sliver of the usual time frame.

In the traditional legal services world, potential clients have to jump through numerous hoops before they even speak to a lawyer and get their first question answered. Ultimately, many businesses and individuals in the US forego hiring a lawyer because it requires too much work and too much money. This shift in process and priority puts Law on Call at the forefront of a new era in the legal industry—one that’s more efficient, less expensive, and geared toward clients’ real-world needs.

Law on Call is able to operate because of a unanimous August 2020 Utah Supreme Court decision that resulted in the Utah Regulatory Legal Sandbox. This two-year pilot program, overseen by the Office of Legal Services Innovation, allows approved applicants to rethink this country’s legal practices. The overarching goal—of both the Sandbox and Law on Call—is to make legal services available to a wider swath of the population.

The United States justice system is hard to get access to,” says Drake Forester, chief legal strategy officer for Northwest Registered Agent. “By changing the traditional playbook, we’re trying to shake some sense into an antiquated system.”

The pressure on lawyers to increase billable hours is often what drives up legal costs for clients, so Law on Call has done away with this system. Instead, clients get instant access to licensed lawyers who can offer legal advice in the areas of business law, end of life planning, contracts, employment, housing and real estate, and clients have the option to hire those lawyers to do legal work at steeply discounted rates. If additional attorneys step in to help, that help will never come at an additional charge like it might at a traditional firm.

Innovations like the Utah Legal Sandbox are likely to become available in more states over time, and Law on Call looks forward to joining those initiatives and increasing legal access even further.

About Northwest Registered Agent
Northwest Registered Agent specializes in providing registered agent and corporate filing services to customers in all 50 states. With 350 employees nationwide, Northwest takes pride in its commitment to Privacy by Default®, which ensures that client data is never sold—ever. At Northwest, support and privacy are at the heart of everything. That’s doing business the right way.

About Law on Call
Law on Call is reinventing the traditional approach to the legal industry in the United States. As the first nonlawyer-owned law firm in the country, Law on Call has removed the stress of billable hours so that its lawyers can focus on client satisfaction and quality of work. Law on Call is able to operate thanks to the Utah Legal Sandbox.

Media Contact
Drake Forester, Chief Legal Strategy Officer
Northwest Registered Agent LLC
(509) 381-3777

SOURCE Law on Call