WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The Mesothelioma Victims Center says, “We are urging the family of an auto mechanic in any state who has just been diagnosed with mesothelioma to please call attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste at 800-714-0303 to discuss financial compensation-that might exceed a million dollars. We know because of the Coronavirus some people with mesothelioma might reach out to a local car accident attorney-or impulsively order ‘free’ booklets, guides, calculators, kits, or lawyer ‘call’ centers. Mesothelioma compensation is going to be based on what state you live in as well as where, when, and how the person’s asbestos exposure took place.

“Attorney Erik Karst of Karst von Oiste is one of the nation’s leading mesothelioma compensation experts and he will be able to explain the mesothelioma compensation process to you along with determine what the claim might be worth-with specifics. We know for certain that because of the Coronavirus many people with mesothelioma have gone into bunker mode–not wishing to expose themselves with anything new. If this sounds like your husband or dad, please call attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste at 800-714-0303. We are certain you will be glad you did. The average age for a person with mesothelioma in the US is 72 years old-and they do need the help of their loved ones.” www.karstvonoiste.com/
The types of auto, truck, or mechanics with confirmed mesothelioma the Mesothelioma Victims Center is reaching out to include:
Gas station mechanic who also worked on auto brakes, clutches, and transmissions
- Truck repair facility
- Auto brake technician who worked at a tire store
- Car, truck, or semi-truck mechanic who worked for a dealer and did warranty work
- Factory mechanics or machinists
- Marine mechanics or machinists
- Auto fleet or truck mechanic who maintained company vehicles
Each year about 3000 US citizens will be diagnosed with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. High-risk work groups for exposure to asbestos include US Navy Veterans, power plant workers, shipyard workers, oil refinery workers, steel mill workers, miners, manufacturing workers, pulp or paper mill workers, plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, machinists, construction workers, railroad workers, and firemen. Typically, the exposure to asbestos for these types of workers occurred in the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, or 1980’s. www.karstvonoiste.com/
The states indicated with the highest incidence of mesothelioma include Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Louisiana, Washington, and Oregon.
However, based on the calls the Mesothelioma Victims Center receive, a machinist or mechanic with mesothelioma could live in any state including New York, Florida, California, Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, or Alaska. www.karstvonoiste.com/
For more information about asbestos exposure lung cancer and mesothelioma, please visit the CDC’s website on these topics: https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/asbestos/health_effects_asbestos.html.
Media Contact:
Michael Thomas
SOURCE Mesothelioma Victims Center